Visit from our sponsor Gaëtan Bartosz, radio presenter at RTBF (Tipik)

July – August
After emigrating to the heart of Vielsalm during the Covid period, it was in Farnières that this flavor market was held again this summer. Farnières, a small hamlet in the commune of Vielsalm nestled on the heights of Grand-Halleux, hosts a market for local products every Tuesday in the summer.
The Clinicœurs were present there to on the one hand provide entertainment for the children and on the other hand to introduce the numerous participants to their creations and artisanal achievements. The Cliniclowns dressed in their most beautiful colorful clothes offered the children a fishing trip in the sawdust with many gifts to choose from as well as pretty balloons in the shape of flowers, swords, etc. “sculpted” on site under the amazed gaze of everyone. The volunteer sales hostesses of our store presented the objectives of our association to the numerous tourists as well as to various people who did not yet know us. In our chalet, well stocked with goods of all kinds, they praised the qualities of the different creations of our clinitalents (wooden bow ties, reusable coloring books, capes, scarves, etc.) and invited people to discover a more complete assortment in our store located Place de Salm.
A commercial experience certainly but also friendly for our non-profit organization which, through human contact, always seeks the well-being of everyone.