What We Aim to Achieve

Offering well-being and a helping hand to both beneficiaries and volunteers.

Bénévoles de l'ASBL clinicoeurs avec des peluches pour les enfants

Our Social Purpose

With the financial means collected in part through the sale of Clinitalents’ creations in our store, we endeavor to assist as many people as possible, of all ages, whether they are able-bodied or not. This assistance takes the form of our field activities as well as the provision of therapeutic products to hospitals and institutions. These products are either given away or sold at affordable prices.

Plusieurs bénévoles cliniclowns souriant avec le parrain de l'ASBL Cliniclowns

The History of Our Non-Profit Organization

Our non-profit organization was founded in 2018 at the initiative of two clinic clowns, Suzanne Laurent and Luc Verelst, who were already active in Verviers. As a provider of happiness, our association is exclusively composed of around thirty big-hearted volunteers and a social boutique selling Clinitalents’ products (therapeutic and others). In February 2022, it received the support of a patron, Gaëtan Bartosz, a presenter at RTBF on Tipik.

Devanture de l'ASBL Clinicoeurs avec panneau Clinicoeurs de la Salm

Les membres de l’ASBL Clinicoeurs

Les membres du service Cliniclowns







Tati Clown


Tonton Dédé




Explore the Cliniclowns Service!

Les membres du service Clinitalents

Pascale Clinisnoez

Fernande polyvalente

Paola crochet

Françoise crochet

Nicole crochet

Martine boutique

Corine étalagiste CHRAM

Bernadette crochet

Rita Polyvalente

Lucie accompagnante animation

Michelle couture

Pascale boutique

Jocelyne boutique

Faby boutique

Carine couture

Marie-Pierre artisanat

Marie-Rose administration

Madeleine couture

Marie-Noëlle et Lily animaux visiteurs

Jacky administration

Daniel reporter

Luc MacGyver

Marie-Jeanne boutique

Véronique montage vidéo

Martine boutique

Chantal couture

Josiane numérisation

Denise couture

Claudine couture

Yvette repassage

Suzanne broderie machine

Christian découd-vite

Anne thérapeute

Marie-Pierre artisanat

Kathleen pyrogravure

Christan MacGyver

Patricia boutique

Explore the Clinitalents Service!

Our Community Space

Our living space consists of a commercial area, a workshop for crafts and sewing, a Snoezelen space for adults and children, and a therapeutic area, accessible by an elevator.

Intérieur du local de l'ASBL Clinicoeurs avec une table, des chaises et une cuisine

Interested in Becoming a Volunteer?

Come meet us for a warm exchange or contact us by phone.

Rejoindre notre équipe !
Plusieurs bénévoles avec des vêtements classiques de l'ASBL Clinicoeurs avec le parrain de l'ASBL

Congratulations to them for this wonderful work.

Bravo for this painstaking work which makes great things happen. You are the base of the pyramid.

What a good atmosphere.

It's a real hive and almost all the bees are at work! And it buzzes, it buzzes.

You have become essential for these good times now, everyone appreciates...well done.

Thanks for a good day!

You are great.

Great team.

You are all rays of sunshine. Bravo for these shared smiles.

So many happy people thanks to you, it’s nice to see. Thank you to all of you.