Animal Visitors
As the saying goes, “animals are man’s best friend.” So, why not bring them together to share a moment of happiness and companionship?

Our team of volunteers consists of professionals from various fields such as sewing, DIY, arts, aesthetics, and elderly care animation. We also have specialized facilitators for therapeutic visits with animals.
Clinitalents are dedicated volunteers who devote their free time to designing items to help those in greatest need and for sale in our shop. Their work is very diverse, and all types of skills are needed.
As the saying goes, “animals are man’s best friend.” So, why not bring them together to share a moment of happiness and companionship?
Our creative workshops allow volunteers to escape from the daily worries for a few hours, clear their minds, and practice their art together.
Every week, a team of seamstresses comes together to create a multitude of therapeutic and other objects intended for donations and for sale.
With our professional embroiderer, we are capable of creating any text and images you desire on any surface with any writing style.
You don’t need to be on your feet to dance. Our seated dances provide fun while being comfortably seated.
If you can sew, knit, crochet, do DIY, and enjoy human contact, and you have free time, then you could join our team of Clinitalents.
Devenir ClinitalentsPascale Clinisnoez
Fernande polyvalente
Paola crochet
Françoise crochet
Nicole crochet
Martine boutique
Corine étalagiste CHRAM
Bernadette crochet
Rita Polyvalente
Lucie accompagnante animation
Michelle couture
Pascale boutique
Jocelyne boutique
Faby boutique
Carine couture
Marie-Pierre artisanat
Marie-Rose administration
Madeleine couture
Marie-Noëlle et Lily animaux visiteurs
Jacky administration
Daniel reporter
Luc MacGyver
Marie-Jeanne boutique
Véronique montage vidéo
Martine boutique
Chantal couture
Josiane numérisation
Denise couture
Claudine couture
Yvette repassage
Suzanne broderie machine
Christian découd-vite
Anne thérapeute
Marie-Pierre artisanat
Kathleen pyrogravure
Christan MacGyver
Patricia boutique